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Dalgona Coffee!

In thess days of quarantine everyone has spare time and one of the best things to do is to cook to keep your mind busy, so this is why I’m bringing you an amazing coffee recipe trending on Tik Tok that will delight you and boost you up. This drink will definitely change your lifestyle because once you try it I bet you won’t stop drinking it daily at any time. It is really easy to make and you will take just a few minutes  to prepare. You can drink this amazing beverage accompanied by your favorite dessert.

  • 2 tbsp of instant coffee

  • 2 tbsp of sugar

  • 2 tbsp of hot water

  • Milk

  • Ice


Instructions for the preparation:

1) In a bowl add 2 tbsp of your favorite instant coffee and 2 tbsp of sugar, mix them until they become a homogeneous mix

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2) In a pot add water and heat it in the stove until it boils, after that take 2 tbsp of hot water and add it to the mix you made before.

3) When the three ingredients are mixed together in the bowl take a whisk to stir everything until it has a creamy consistency.

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4) When the mix is ready take a glass filled with the quantity of ice you prefer, pour milk in half of the glass and add the coffee mix so that it stays on top of the milk.

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5) After that, take a straw or a spoon and mix the coffee cream with the milk that is under, moving it in circles

6) When the milk and the cream are mixed already you are done and now you can enjoy your delicious coffee!


You can share this delicious recipe with whomever you want, so that they can be delighted by this awesome drink. This is really worth doing and I bet this coffee is going to give your life a 180 degrees twist.  Enjoy!


By Laura Peña, 10A

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