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Extended Quarantine

Our lives are having a twist right now because of the coronavirus, nothing is as we knew it, people can't go out to the streets, students can't go to school and we can't leave our houses. There are some exceptions such as taking your dog for a walk, but you have a limited time to do that, in conclusion, we are being imprisoned by the coronavirus, but it is something that needs to be done so that this virus stops spreading and affecting more citizens. Many people are starting to freak out because they have to stay at their houses, but everyone should take this as an opportunity to make the bonds between the family members stronger every time because we really don't know how much time we are going to stay like this, as the authorities are extending the quarantine and we don't know how long they are 

going to keep extending it. President Ivan Duque declared that we would extend the lockdown that was pretended to end on April 13 to May 11, rejecting the possible idea for an intelligent lockdown. The good thing is that the quarantine is helping to slow down the spread of coronavirus, which is great, so it is an intelligent decision to make the quarantine a little longer because if it is controlled it can end sooner and our lives can be the same as they were before. It is common that people are starting to lose their minds because of the lockdown, but we have to be aware that in this way everything is going to get better, we will save more lives, not only ours but others, so this is why we can't be selfish and we should think about what's the best thing to do for our country and how we can avoid that this pandemic grow.


By Laura Peña, 10B

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