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COVID-19: A Time in Home

I never thought that a situation like this would change my life so drastically. But, now that I think about it, I have changed a lot too, and I am not the same. I understood that, although I did not see it and I did not feel it, this quarantine has changed not only my being, but also my lifestyle. I don’t know why but I’ve never enjoyed a time as much as I have enjoyed this. Although at some point the pandemic may harm everyone, God has allowed it to happen for some reason. The first day of virtual classes I thought: when we get out of this I will not be the same, I will be a better person. There is no way to deny that this has been a difficult experience, but if we put in good energy and try our best, we will finish writing this story, which will always remain in our memories as a magical experience. All of us, at some point, have hoped to bring out new skills that will serve us for life, and I think the time has come. This is the time to create, imagine, and do whatever your soul wants to do. If you think about it, you may never be able to share this much time with your family, and for that, today, it is worth thanking God. Thank God for all you can do with your family now, that which you couldn’t do before. Pray for your loved ones, but especially, pray for those you love. If for whatever reason you have to go outside, pray for our country, that it may move forward, and finally, pray for our planet so that from our homes, we make this a better one. We are one world, a world that is fighting the battle against a common enemy, and of course, we are going to win that battle because we are ONE. As Audrey Hepburn said, “Nothing says impossible, the word itself says I’m possible.” The fact that we are in a pandemic does not mean that we can’t change the world! I am writing this with a lot of effort and love for you. Thank God for all of these privileges, and finally, I repeat, pray for our planet, so we can do better.


Valeria Sotelo, 3A

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