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A heartfelt message from The Scoop´s Chief Director Edward Moore towards every member of the community. A call for motivation, hard-work, and hope.  Read his thoughts here!


A motivational piece by one of our editors that deals with the peace found when sleeping and how we should be able to experience it while awake. Just go for it!


Read teacher Nora Palacio's genuine thank you letter to all teachers, students, and school personnel that have made her experience worthwhile

Check out an intriguing perception of the world-wide pandemic through the


lens of one of our youngest contributors

Diagrama de flujo.webp

The title doesn't lie. Reevaluate your goal-seeking methods and gain a new perspective on everyday choices by clicking here!

The solution for everyday difficulties stands right in front 

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Witness a raw and honest commentary on how it takes to experience the absolute worse in order for humans to care about their surroundings.

of you (or rather inside of you). Check out how one of our youngest members deals with her problems. 

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