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Growing Pandemic, Growing Difficulties

We can make a difference by being positive
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At this moment it seems as if we were in a dream. Everything that happens every second impacts us too much. We feel very nervous and afraid when we think that if we don´t take care of ourselves and don´t follow the instructions of the government, we will have a shorter life. That's why we need to follow the instructions that the authorities give us.


The pandemic is growing and growing everywhere. This causes a harmful effect on people because they feel sadness, depression, and other unpleasant feelings. All of these turn into the seeds of bigger problems with the people that surround us and with ourselves. Many people think that this pandemic has only caused  many  projects  to  go  directly  to  the

trash. And I am sure that the first thing that crossed our minds when quarantine started was: No more classes! But we probably didn’t think about what that would imply. 


So we have 2 choices. Either be positive that all of this will pass or cry and get stressed out. We should do things that will have a good effect on our lives like reading, drawing, and practicing an instrument. The alternative is to keep being negative and not change our ways of thinking. We should realize that this needed to happen for us to start valuing things that we did not value previously such as nature, school, and the hard work of teachers. The world is going to change and it is going to be a great change, but we should all do different things and above all, start appreciating what we did not value before. There is always a second chance.


Finally, I am going to give you my testimony by telling you that our family difficulties in this moment of pandemic could be solved by TALKING. At this moment the last thing we want is to be in big problems. Remember that most of our family and personal problems come from one thing: being negative. That´s why positivism is the clue! Think just for a second of all the difficulties you have had. Most of them probably started out from one thing: being negative in what is happening and in your own abilities.


With positivism the word “no” doesn´t exist. Instead of being negative, I have been positive and the results have been very good. I have read a lot and I have discovered new fantastic words that never in my life I had ever heard of. I also started learning portuguese and I have advanced a lot. Here’s a bit of what I’ve learned: Ainda acho um pouco difícil ler livros em português, mas a verdade é que já percorri um longo caminho, aprender novos idiomas ajuda a manter a energia e, acima de tudo, a não pensar negativamente.


By Maria Juliana Perdomo, 5C

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