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The Time Has Come

Yes, the time has come to say THANK YOU.  Thank you for so many years, so many students, so many friends and so many experiences.


Twenty-three years sharing my life HERE, YES HERE!


I remember my first day, just like you remember your first day in Preschool.  I started as a Homeroom teacher in Kinder, some of your sisters may remember me.  I will never forget how Cecilia, Mary, Lucy and Sonia guided me through those days.  Then I became the Preschool Coordinator, here I had the pleasure to work with an excellent team, Irmita, Patricia, so many who were there, guiding the girls through their first years of school and helping them adapt to new surroundings and guidelines.  As a Preschool Coordinator, Lucy and I started the Psychomotricity program which grew so much, becoming what it is now.  Lucy, thank you for always being there, then and now.


Then I was asked to become the   Head of the English Department.  Many challenges and goals were set.  The Radio Station in English was one of the first challenges, preparing the girls to take the TOEFL for the first time as part of the English Program was another one, this then became a requirement for graduation, helping many students when entering   College.  I will never forget that first time I had to speak in front of eleventh graders and become their teacher!  One year I had class in Eleventh grade and in Kinder!  They were all very patient.  French also began to be taught in the school, a brief introduction to a new language.  I remember Andrea, Natalia, Claudia, all trying to motivate this process.  How can a not mention BEO!  Yes, Constanza Guzmán sent me to London to evaluate the program and see if it was up to our standards.  The first group I went with was a group of twenty students and Connie, very quickly we all learned to count to twenty-two, to make sure we were all there.  The following year I went alone, with a smaller group, but I will always remember Brighton and some tattoos, thank

God they were fake.  Yes, BEO is up to our standards and this adventure continues and grows with Masters.  For many years I worked with a great Department and we tried to feel like a family.  We celebrated birthdays, marriages, births, triumphs of our children, we were also there for the difficult moments too, trying to guide and support each other.  So many have been part of this Department that it is difficult to try to say thank you to all because I know I will leave somebody out.  Please excuse me if I do.  Diana Ahumada thank you; we started the same day; I remember us sitting in reception waiting to be called for the interview.  Edward Moore, thank you for being one of the most committed teachers the school has ever had, and one of the most enthusiastic ones too.  You are always looking for ways to motivate the girls in their process.  Adriana Sarmiento, thank you for always being willing to help and guide me whenever I needed to be heard.  You are one of the most professional and responsible teachers the Department and School has ever had.


PROM 2020 Thank You for being there during one of my saddest moments and understanding you had to go on with the duties that you were given as students.


Sister Valerie and María Teresa, THANK YOU for believing in me and giving me the opportunity to grow professionally and personally.  


Every year I was given a responsibility, I would say to myself:   “God has put me here for a reason”, and yes, GIRLS YOU ARE THE REASON.


I wish REDCOL and CSFR wellbeing and prosperity in these hard times.


Blessings, Nora Palacios

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